1st Rough Cut and its limitations
Our editor took almost 2 weeks to show us final rough cut
The overall limitations are:
The establishing shot has some people in the background, The shot where our character Ali is sitting with the tree there are two men sitting in the background on the bench, our sir asked us to reshoot the scene as the men in the background could be taken as clues for audience for further proceeding of the story. he Pointed out that the protagonist( Ali ) is looking into the camera in his face closeup. Now that was an extra shot taken by us for fun but was mistakenly added it into the final cut ,thus not looking good .When there was dolly in to the Ali sitting with the tree there was a shaky movement even after using the gimble there was this kind of movement, sir asked us to improve this.
He also asked us that we should improve our composition, As he thought it was centralized. Other issues are for eg. in the tracking shot, maintaining the verisimilitude. Sir asked us to improve this as it lack originality .
This is
this is without sound, just the visuals. Our sir took out a number of mistakes in this scene wise they are:
. The shaky movement of camera while dolling into the character sitting by the tree
. Less time for audience to read diary
.The character mistakenly sees into the camera
.More headroom in following shot on stairs
.A person could be scene standing far away in the frame in chase scene, lack of cuts.
.No enigma crated the blood splash is not enough to put audience in curiosity to watch further.
Now basically we thought we could crop out the people in the background at the time of editing but that was not done later on. Moreover the lack of lightning in basement made it difficult for us to shoot even we had our own setup: ring lights etc.
Sir Asked us to improve these things for good grade and perfectionism
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