Location risk Analysis

 There is no such major risks involved in our narrative that means there would be possibly no risks at our location.

  • “Filming deadlines are so tight, any sort of delay can bring mayhem to the schedules.” No film production is immune to safety issues, as we are even young and unexperienced. Even careful preparation won’t always stop things from happening, but having worked through a Risk Assessment in advance can be the difference between a sprained knee and something far more serious .That's the reason why we are deciding to do a location scouting in advance.
  • There are basically 2 scenes; first is a casual shot in a park or somewhere under a tree; that means there is no such harm in that further more the second scene is of an attempt to murder this scene is most likely to be done at somewhere with creepy atmosphere:
  • Most probably someone's house at night or in a street. To reduce the risk of unfortunate things all we can do is shoot early in the morning if the location is confirmed exterior. Most probably we will find anyplace inside somewhere safe.


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