Editing Techniques

 There are Many types of editing that includes; continuity, non continuity systems, parallel editing, intercutting, jumps cut, cut away, action match, eye line match  and graphic match.

1. ContinuityContinuity editing is the process, in film and video creation, of combining more or less related shots ,different components cut from a single shot, into a sequence to direct the viewer's attention to a pre-existing consistency of story across both time and physical location.

2.Non Continuity: Non-continuity editing is when shots are mismatched to disrupt the impression of time and space. This draws the audiences’ attention to the process of cutting and disturbs the illusion of ‘reality’. However this is the type of editing used in flashbacks.

3. Parallel editing: It's a type of continuity technique that tells how two or more events are related and occurring simultaneously. Its also known as split screen editing 

4.Intercutting: It is a technique where one scene is juxtapose to another with another contrasting scene.

5. Jump Cut: It is when a continuous scene is broken into two and a piece of footage in between those two is removed, this gives the reader an affect that the subject moved forward in time.

6.Cut Away :It is when shot "cuts away" from the main action to any shot that adds visual information, and then returns to the original shot with new meaning.

7.Action Match; film editing and video editing techniques where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action.

8. Graphic Match : It can be used as visual metaphors. They imply that the objects are one-and-the-same, and they do this through a visible transformation. You can also use graphic match cuts for a seamless passage of time. It can be with a dissolve or a straight cut.

9. Eye line Match: It is a film editing technique associated with the continuity editing system. It is based on the premise that an audience will want to see what the character on-screen is seeing.  


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